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I know you′ve thought about it.  You may have even started it.  So what′s stopping you from this same level of success?
After a year or more of diligent effort and several near sleepless nights the latest book, Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life by my good friend, Shawn Phillips hit the shelves and Amazon yesterday and is already creating a stir in the fitness community.
Why not you? Now I have to admit Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life is a pretty freaking amazing book.¬† It goes well beyond being just a new fitness program and promoting…good health and wellness and steps (with a huge footprint) into the realm of “personal growth and development”.¬†
You should also be leaving a huge footprint. Shouldn’t you should be making your¬†footprint on a much bigger scale than you are right now.¬† Here‚Ä≤s the thing If you‚Ä≤re saying to yourself “I don‚Ä≤t have the time” “I can‚Ä≤t write” “I‚Ä≤m not at that level yet”¬† “That‚Ä≤s not my thing”¬† “I‚Ä≤ll get there someday” or “I would, but”.¬† Then the likelihood of it ever happening is slim to none.
Shawn is on a mission and is living his life‚Ä≤s purpose and that‚Ä≤s how Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life got done.¬† If you‚Ä≤re not living and moving forward with a driving sense of purpose than something like writing a book will seem like a colossal undertaking wrought with all sorts of excuses for not even trying.But you tell me, would having your own published fitness book propel your career and help you be perceived as an “expert?”¬† You and I both know the answer to that question.¬†
It certainly won‚Ä≤t hurt Shawn, it hasn‚Ä≤t hurt his brother, Bill, me, or the hundreds of others who have written a book and are now “perceived” as fitness experts and leaders.¬† I‚Ä≤m not suggesting that Shawn is anything other than an expert.¬† The truth is he is one of the brightest and most experienced individuals in the industry and will do more with his new book to advance the cause of living fit and strong than most of us could ever dream of doing.¬†
But dream we must.¬†It‚Ä≤s not just about you.¬† It‚Ä≤s about the number of people you can reach and the lives you can affect or even save. If you had a cure for cancer or diabetes would you share it with just a few select people or would you do whatever it took to get the message out to as many people as possible, the fact that it could also mean massive recognition and success for you not withstanding? What I admire about what Shawn is that what he has done with Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life is¬†not a lateral step from his brother’s, Body For Life program but rather a clear message and extension of his undying mission to transform¬†America from a desire to be disease free to becoming STRONG.¬† You and I both know there is a massive difference between the two. Shawn writes “A transformed person has become a strong positive force, continually striving to improve. They are on a quest for growth, and it‚Ä≤s no longer an effort because being their best has become the way they do life.”¬†¬†
Over the next 7 days¬†I am going to give you an opportunity to join me and Shawn live as we talk about what it took to put this book togetherthe commitment, the cost, the strategies, the obstacles, the rewards and a whole lot more.¬†Then I am going to introduce you to someone who can help you make it happen quickly and easily.¬† But you have to be committed or none of it will matter one iota.¬† You have to be one of the few that are “on a quest for growth.”¬†
You can start by going to and submitting you‚Ä≤re most pressing question for Shawn Phillips then I‚Ä≤ll let you know when Shawn and I will be getting together to talk about his quest and YOUR success. The next step would be to get to¬†Amazon¬†and pick up a copy of Strength for Life: The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life¬†today. Me and Shawn¬†at the Sturgis Motorcycle¬†Rally ———> I think my abs look better:)