Although by the standard of his day good old Ben Franklin would not have been considered a glaring example of the perfect masculine physique, he was however arguably one of
Are you kidding me? We’re well into the New Year and you haven’t written down your goals yet?
Determining and writing down your goals and objectives are TWO of the most
There are many ways to deal with FEAR.
You could run from it, avoid it, dismiss it, even hide from it. Or you could walk right through it.
In this video, I
I just released a new episode of Max Mind Set on Muscle and Fitness Magazine's website. I share with you that "practice" alone doesn't work! It's only deliberate, focused and
Our success in life and on the playing field (whatever that field is for you) will depend in large part on our ability to identify our objective, commit to achieving
We're taught to keep our eye on the ball and to focus on the outcome not the obstacle. Which I'm sure you'd agree is incredibly sound advice.
Too often we see
You’ll often hear me say…
“All great achievements start first with the strength of WILL”
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you were simply able to WILL it to happen?
It happens to some of the best athletes, CEOs, actors, and public speakers in the world -- the loss of words, the inability to take action or even move, and
KELOWNA, British Columbia, Dec. 28, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Weight loss expert Melonie Dodaro and celebrity personal trainer and former Mr. America Tom Terwilliger have teamed up to assist coaches and