What Direction Will You LEAP – Financially?

           click to listen Stewart Welch author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Rich This interview is part of our LEAP Inspiration and Direction teleseminar series brought to you by Experience

It Doesn’t Make a Lick of Sense

A recent study by the Exercise Physiology Department at the University of Wisconsin uncovered some startling facts about what was once believed to be nothing more than a sugary urban

Access to Fitness Experts – Tom Venuto

click to listen In his book, The Body Fat Solution, Tom Venuto outlined the five principles that will retrain your mind and body for automatic success. In this 90 minute interview we
Tom Terwilliger - Mind & Body Performance

The Secret Millionaire…Are You?

I watch very little television these days. After all, why would I? There's so little time and way too much bad news being televised.  Who needs it! Every now and
Tom Terwilliger - Mind & Body Performance

In Pursuit of Happiness? Shift Your Focus

Happiness can be more easily achieved when you focus your attention onto someone or something else. Quotes from the Dalai Lama: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." "It