Tom Terwilliger - Mind & Body Performance

Do You Still Love Dan Marino?

Prior to this weekend’s Super Bowl and before I had heard the news from any of the media sources one of my friends shared with me on Friday that his

Courage at Great Heights

I recently witnessed something extraordinarily inspiring that I wanted to share with you. If you have ever said to yourself or someone else, "that's impossible?" Then this will help you create

[Video] How to Start and Stick With Anything

Twice a month I contribute to Muscle and Fitness online; my take on how to maximize your attitude, inner language, psychology and perspective for empowering greater levels of success in

Why You Must Push Past Your Pain Barrier

I often call the gym or workout environment "the strength of will proving ground" because we have an opportunity while in that environment to not only test our will but develop

The Forgotten Growth Rule

I don't know if it's your body, your finances, your relationship, your emotional strength, all the above  or something else. What I do know is that you me and just about

Exercise, Motivation and Sustainability

Not every first time exerciser starts out with Mr. or Ms. Universe aspirations but we all have one thing in common, a desire to improve. Understanding where that desire comes from along with its antagonistic counter parts is the first key to finding the motivation to get up off the couch and moving as well as the ability to stick with it long after the temptation to quit presents its first convincing argument.

[VIDEO] 8 Lessons For Navigating Tough Terrain

Success can be elusive, daunting and even struggles to achieve. After a punishing 7 hour mountain bike ride through the Colorado wilderness back country I discovered a few success lessons that

The Hidden Benefits of Too Much Pressure

If you’ve ever subjected your skeletal system to the bone threatening pressure of a heavy barbell during a grueling set of squats, bench press or dead lift or taken on

You Want More? Make Some Space!

If you’ve been working, striving and planning for IT and IT still has not shown up yet, I have a potential epiphany for you. You and I both know that wishing,