Retreat, Regroup and Re-Engage

There are countless times throughout the course a year, month, week or even daily that we feel sort of overwhelmed, overworked, under accomplished and what is commonly described as Burned

Social Media Assists in Sculpted Body

The power and reach of Facebook as we already know seems to be just about endless. We can literally reach out and touch a perfect stranger or be touched by

The Power of Reaching Out

Have you ever had a partner, coach or friend who pushed you a little harder than you actually wanted to be pushed?  I mean they demanded more from you perhaps

A Champion is… happens automatically for them – they don't know any other way.

The Truth About Obesity In America

A friend of mine presented me with a news clipping from the Denver Daily News yesterday which had within it a quote from a noted fitness expert regarding the recent

What Threatens Your EGO?

This whole ego business is pretty interesting. On one hand, the ego is often responsible for not allowing us to admit our own limitations and for the cocky arrogance that